Thursday, February 11, 2016

1. An-nyung haseyo !

Hi, everyone. I am Jieun Hong and I'm a visiting student from South Korea.
I started this blog for those who want to learn Korean. 'Ya(야)' means 'Hey' in Korean.
So I'm gonna post some useful information about Korean language and Korean culture once a week.
I know first time is hard, but I swear it's not gonna be that difficult !
My English is not perfect either. So don't be afraid of learning Korean.

For the first post, here is a funny video about Korean culture. This video is made by American guy Dave and he well compared Korean culture with American culture. I hope you guys enjoy the video :)

* 안녕하세요 "An-nyung haseyo": Hi (formal)
안녕 "An-nyung": Hi (informal)

 - You can say infomal An-nyung only to people who are younger or same age.


  1. This blog is fascinating because it must be different to not use your main language as much as normal. I would say to not get caught up in just writing about words we do not know in Korean but give us examples that tie into the American culture to help us relate.

  2. I am really excited to read all about this blog and learn about the Korean language. I only have one small suggestion to maybe improve, the options such as the comments tab were hard to find because they are not in English. Since this blog is directed towards people who don't speak Korean maybe making them more available would help.

  3. I like the background and the design of your blog. It is an interesting topic and makes me want to read on more about it.
