Sunday, March 6, 2016

4. Mannaseo Bangawoyo! - Greeting

Hi everyone! Did you have a great spring break?
Today, we are going to learn how to greet at the first meeing in Korea.
In Korea, it is so important to be careful about formal & informal expression, so here are two kinds of dialogues which are useful in the first meeting.

Formal Greeting
* the second lines are English pronounciations. I gave spaces between them letter by letter.

A: 안녕하세요. 저는 홍지은이라고 합니다.
    an nyung ha se yo. Jeo neun Hong Ji Eun i ra go hab ni da.
     (Hello. My name is Jieun Hong.)
B: 안녕하세요. 저는 김현준입니다.
     an nyung ha se yo. Jeo neun Kim Hyun Joon ib ni da.
     (Hello. I am Hyun Joon Kim.)
A: 만나서 반가워요. 몇 살이신가요?
    man na seo ban ga wo yo. Myeot sal i shin ga yo?
     (Nice to meet you. How old are you?)
B: 93년생입니다. (스물 네 살 입니다.) 
     guship sam nyeon sang ib ni da. / Seu mul ne sal ib ni da.
     (I was born in 1993./ I am twenty four years old.) 
A: 오, 저희 동갑이네요! 말 편하게 하세요.
    Oh, jeo hee dong gab i ne yo! mal pyeon ha ge ha se yo.
     (oh, we are same age! Please use an informal language.)
B: 그래. 저녁은 먹었어?
     Geu rae. Jeo nyeok eun mug ut seo?
     (Okay. Did you have a dinner?)

Informal Greeting

A: 안녕. 난 홍지은이라고 해.
     an nyung. nan Hong Ji Eun i ra go hae.
     (Hi. My name is Jieun Hong.)
B: 안녕. 난 김현준이야.
     an nyung. nan Kim Hyun Joon i ya.
        (Hi. I am Hyun Joon Kim)
A: 반가워. 어느 학교 다녀?
     ban ga wo. eo nu hak gyo da nyeo?
     (Nice to meet you. Which school do you go to?)
B: 중앙대학교. 너는?

     joong ang dae hak gyo. neo neun?
     (Chung-ang University. How about you?)
A: 난 숭실대학교. 전공이 뭐야?

     nan soong shil dae hak gyo. jeon gong i muo ya?
     (I go to Soong-sil University.What's your major?)
B: 기계공학 전공해.
     gi gye gong hak jeon gong hae.
     (I major in mechanical engineering.)
A: 멋지다. 내 전공은 미디어야.

     meot ji da. nae jeon gong eun mi di eo ya.
     (Cool. My major is Media.)

Did you guys find anything interesting in these dialogues?
Yes, age is really important in Korea because the way we call someone is changed depend on the age.
So, you must ask about his/her age at the first time, and if they are older than you, you have to use formal expression until they allow you to use informal one.
Also, talking about age, Korean people sometimes use the year they were born in to tell their age. However, you better use numbers rather than year when you're talking with those who are obviously older than you like employer or granny. Just use the year that you born in if you are with peers. 
There is some variation from informal language to formal one. In formal expression, there is 'yo' or 'ni da' at the end of the sentence. For example, in the dialogues above, A says 'nice to meet you' in two ways. informal one is 'ban ga wo', and formal one is 'ban ga wo yo'.
Here is the words you need in this chapter.

-안녕하세요 [an nyung ha se yo] : formal greeting
-안녕 [an nyung] : informal greeting
-저 [jeo] : I (formal)
-나 [na] : I (informal)
-저희 [jeo hee] : we (formal)
-우리 [woo ri] : we (informal)
-는 [neun] : be verb - am , are, is
-몇 [myeot] : how much
-살 [sal] : age
-학교 [hak gyo] : school
-대학교 [dae hak gyo] : university
-전공 [jeon gong] : major (noun)
-전공해 [jeon gong hae] : major (verb)

If you have another question, please direct message me on instagram @h5ng
Thank you. Have a good night and hopefully start happy week!

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