Monday, April 25, 2016

10. Leaving America

Hello, 안녕!
Did you guys spend wonderful weekend?
Summer vacation is coming up, which means there is only one week left for me to stay in Eastern.
I'm sad :( I have always missed Korea, but now I want to stay here more.
Anyway, it was wonderful experience for me to be an exchange student here for this semester.
So, today I want to talk about what I love about USA and what I miss about Korea.

What I love about USA
1. diversity
    People have different races and ethnic backgrounds but still have an identity as a citizen of United States.  It was impressive for me becuase in Korea, people are mostly from one ethnic background, and there are not much foreigners so we look at foreigners or other races with curiosity. This diversity helped me adjust myself to here because I didn't need to feel like I am an alien just because I am an Asian.  Maybe this kind of diversity made people tend not to judge people only by the way they look, I guess.

2. Ben & Jerry's
    I LOVE BEN & JERRY'S!! My roommate had me taste this on the first week of this semester. I don't remember what flavor it was, but it was epic. I opened my eyes about the ice cream. I fell in love with this ice cream soon and decided to taste all kind of Ben&Jerry's ice cream. Although I spent most of my flex money to buy this ice cream, there are a lot of other flavors that I haven't tried. If you are reading my post, please let me know which flavor is the best of Ben&Jerry's. I just want to send this wonderful ice cream to my country if there is any way to keep this from melting. I will miss this the most ㅠㅠ

3. People
    People are so kind. When I traveled NYC or Miami alone, a lot of people helped me find directions or right bus. Also, I think American people like conversation. I had never chatted with strangers that much before. Even though I am a stranger, some people talked me about their day or asked about my travel. And people hold the door for the next person which made me confused at the first time. I am now totally adapted to it and I like it!

What I miss about Korea
1. Internet speed
   Sorry but network here is so slow and unstable. Korea has the fastest internet speed in the world. I was so used to the speed in Korea that it drives me crazy when I search for somthing on the internet and the results come up more than a second later. I think most Korean people have this problem when they are in other country...

2. Public Transportation
  United States are so big that I should get a car to move freely. However, I had no choice but using public transportation since I am temporary student. So, I tried to go to the city or Korean market in other area by train or bus, but the trip was so exhausting. First of all, there is no notice alarm for the stops. In Korea, there is a voice alarm in every stops so that passangers cannot miss their stops to get off. Secondly, transportation fees are much cheaper in Korea; taking a bus or train costs about a dollar. Also, I don't need to carry any cash because we use electronic transportation card and just recharge it. We can get the cards from convinient stores which is located in anywhere in 3 minutes away on foot.

3. Food
  I just miss Korean food. Thinking that I can eat Korean food for the rest of my life, I tried to eat American food more and did not bring any Korean food. However, I reminded that I will drop by Europe for a month after this semester ends. There is one more month to wait.. I am so craving for Korean food! Fortunately, I got packages from my friend that have some ready-made Korean food last week. I think I can bear for 2 weeks with those food. I love American food too, but you know, home is home.

 I think I will miss this country after leaving here. It was glorious time to take classes with you guys, travel alone and meet new people. It was not easy at fisrt, though. I have missed my country all day, but now I feel like it would be great if I have one more month to stay. I'm not sure if I can come here again, so everything feels valuable to me. I am so sad but I gotta go! I hope you guys take your finals well. Thank you for reading this post and thank you for being the one small part of my good memories in America :) 안녕!

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