Sunday, April 10, 2016

8. Shopping / number

Hi, everyone.
Did you have great weekend? The weather was weird, but it is going to be warmed up from next week. So, we maybe need to go shopping and prepare clothing for this S/S season. Here is how to shop in Korea.

A: 이 가방 얼마에요?
( Yi ga bang eol ma e yo? ) 
-How much is this bag?
B: 삼만 육천 원이요.
(Sam man yuk cheon won yi yo)
-This is 36,000 KRW.
A: 카드로 계산할게요.
(Kadeu ro gye san hal ge yo)
-I will pay with credit card.
B: 여기 있습니다. 감사합니다.
(Yeo gi it sub ni da. Gam sa hab ni da.)
-Here you are. Thank you.

Korean Won (KRW) is Korean currency, which is about ₩1,200 for $1.00
Also, Korean clerks don't usually ask you how to pay, but they handle it. 
Here is how to count number in Korea.

0: 영(young) 
1: 일 (yil)
2: 이 (yi, It just sounds 'E')
3: 삼 (sam)
4: 사 (sa)
5: 오 (oh, just 'O')
6: 육 (yuk)
7: 칠 (chil)
8: 팔 (pal)
9: 구 (gu)
10: 십 (ship)
100: 백 (baek)
1,000: 천 (cheon)
10,000: 만 (man)
100,000,000: 억 (eok)

 If you want to say 7,000, you can simply combine 7 and 1,000 like in English.
- 칠천 (chil-cheon)

Also, if you want to use the number above 10,000, you can combine 10,000 (man) and the less units.
- 100,000 (ship-man)
- 1000,000 (baek-man)
- 10,000,000 (cheon-man)

If you are a girl and want to check some trendy items, I give a shout out SOSO Daily, which is run by my friend Sohee. This is a Korean style fashion blog that you can refer to.

Thank you. 안녕!

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